The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Installation’

How You Can Take Advantage of Tax Rebates and More to Save Big!

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Now is the best time to invest in a heat pump system if you live in our neck of the woods. Not only are they some of the most important pieces of equipment for homeowners due to how hot and humid it gets throughout the entire year, but there are also tons of tax rebates, credits, and governmental programs that could help you save money on such a huge investment.

We get it, these systems can be expensive. Nobody wants to shell out a lot of money if they can help it. But when the hottest days of the year arrive, you’ll be happy you spent that money–and even happier that you saved a lot more due to what we’re going to talk about!

So, keep reading to learn about some of the amazing opportunities available when it comes to Florida heat pump rebates.

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What Are the Most Important Factors When Choosing a New AC?

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Getting a new central air conditioning system installed for your house can feel stressful. In Florida, you must have an effective AC or else much of the middle of the year will be miserable at home. There are so many options when it comes to air conditioning models that it might overwhelm you.

The good news is that you have help when it comes to AC installation in Tampa, FL—namely, the team at the A/C Guy of Tampa Bay. Below we’ve listed some important criteria to consider when choosing a new air conditioner. Our experts are ready to give you the best help in making your choice.

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Questions to Ask Yourself When Getting a New Central AC

Monday, December 13th, 2021

A new AC installation in St. Petersburg, FL can be a big deal for your house. We live in a warm and humid climate where air conditioners are essential almost year-round. When you’re planning on getting a new air conditioner, either to replace an older one or as the first AC for a house, you don’t want to rush into grabbing just anything. We recommend you start working early with our technicians so we can assist you with selecting the unit to meet your needs. We’re here to do more than just put the new AC in place—we want to see you have the right cooling that will last for years and help you lower energy costs.

As you start the process of getting a new air conditioner, ask yourself the following questions. They’ll help you focus on what you need the most from your new cooling system.

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Should I Get a Bigger Air Conditioner for My Home?

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Earlier this year, we wrote a post about the cooling limits of an air conditioning system in a home. This is called the temperature differential of an AC, which is how much the air conditioner can lower the indoor temperature compared to the outside. The temperature differential for residential ACs is 20°F. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean every air conditioner can work the same for every house. A small air conditioner may be able to lower the temperature by 20°F, but for only a limited area. This is the air conditioner’s capacity, which is separate from the temperature differential. The capacity of an air conditioner is how many BTUs of heat it can remove from a house in an hour. For example, a small window AC can remove about 5,000 BTUs/hour from a space, but this is only enough to cool down a single room. Larger central ACs can remove 12,000 to 60,000 BTUs/hour. 

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What a “Split System” Air Conditioner Is

Monday, July 26th, 2021

One of the best friends your house can have is central air conditioning in Tampa, FL for the hot summers. You only have to make an adjustment to the thermostat, and cool and refreshing air begins to move through the ducts to the rooms. Easy and convenient—and hard to imagine getting through a summer without one.

The type of central air conditioner that your home probably uses is called a split system. You may have heard this term used, or heard about an alternative called mini splits, and wondered what those terms specifically mean. We’re going to give you a basic rundown on split systems and what makes other ACs different. 

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Is This the Year You Get a High-Efficiency AC?

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

We can’t answer this question for you, not in a blog post. But if you are in the position of considering replacing your current mid-efficiency air conditioner with a high-efficiency one, we can help you with the decision. When it comes to an AC installation, you always want the assistance of professionals from early in the process. You must have pros to put the system in place and connect it so it works its best (as well as dispose of the previous unit). But you also need them to help you pick the ideal new AC for your needs and see that it’s correctly sized. 

So let’s talk a bit about high-efficiency air conditioners. When you’re ready to take the next step, call our team for air conditioning service in Oldsmar, FL and we’ll get you headed in the right direction.

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Can I Size My Own Air Conditioning System for Installation?

Monday, September 21st, 2020

Sizing an air conditioner means finding how powerful an AC is necessary to provide the specific amount of comfort for an interior space. If you are looking for a new central air conditioner for your house, you need to have the system sized so it provides your household with the comfort level it needs during even the hottest weather. Sizing is about more than ensuring a new AC system is powerful enough; it also ensures the system isn’t too powerful. A properly sized air conditioner falls between the extremes of oversized and undersized.

How is sizing done, and is it something you can handle on your own before?

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Are Heat Pumps as Good at Cooling as Air Conditioners?

Monday, September 7th, 2020

Heat pumps are common installations in Tampa Bay because they are a wonderful fit for our climate. Heat pumps are both heating and cooling systems, which is good for almost any part of the country, but there are features that make them particularly suited to Florida. One of them is their heating ability. We don’t rely as much on heating systems as much as air conditioning systems in the warm climate of Florida, and heat pumps are able to provide electric heating that doesn’t drain enormous amounts of energy (a problem with electric furnaces). Heat pumps can have trouble with extreme cold weather, but we don’t have that issue, so as heating systems, heat pumps are exactly right for us.

But … what about air conditioning? What about cooling? Is a heat pump at the same level of cooling as a standard air conditioner? This is important to know because hot weather is what we deal with the most in Florida.

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How Long Can I Delay Getting a New AC?

Monday, August 10th, 2020

If you’re asking the question about how long you can delay scheduling a new air conditioning installation in Tampa, FL, then you should probably ask yourself some additional questions. Such as, why you’re asking the question in the first place. “Delays” are rarely positive, and if the “delay” you’re talking about is actually procrastination, then we have to tell you that this puts the comfort of your house in jeopardy. Late summer in Florida is a rough time for heat and humidity, and procrastinating about replacing an AC in bad condition can lead to you being trapped with a busted AC while you wait for a replacement.

Yes, our team of air conditioning pros will get on the job of replacing a failed system as soon as possible. But we know you’d rather skip an emergency replacement. So let’s go into some details to see if you’re delay is too long.

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Efficiency Is Important for a New AC, But It’s Not the Only Thing!

Monday, May 4th, 2020

Purchasing a new central air conditioning system is often stressful for homeowners. Not quite as stressful as buying a new car, but the workings of air conditioners and their many stats aren’t something people are familiar with. And getting the right new AC installation in Tampa, FL is essential, since you’ll rely on it for many days of the year, all around the year.

If you’re currently looking for a new AC, there’s one stat that may be on the top of your mind, and that’s the air conditioner’s energy efficiency rating (SEER). Efficiency is an important word in home appliances, and people are always hunting for the best in efficiency so they can avoid higher utility bills. It’s a great idea, but it can sometimes lead consumers to focus on efficiency over everything else—and that can end up going wrong, as we’ll explain.

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