The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

What’s That Moldy Smell Coming From My Home’s Air Vents?

Monday, January 14th, 2019

girl-pinching-noseEverybody wants their home to smell pleasant, not just for guests but for their own enjoyment. And there are few things less pleasant than a moldy odor spreading around your house because it’s coming out of the vents along with the heated or cooled air.

If this happens in your home, you’re not alone: this situation is a common one called “dirty sock syndrome.” You can probably tell why it got that name when you smell those odors. We’ll take a look at what causes this and what can be done about it.

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Always Jump on Air Conditioning Repairs Early

Monday, May 7th, 2018

residential-ac-topSummer seems to start earlier and earlier every year in our neck of the woods, and even in early May, chances are you’ve needed to run your air conditioner a few times this year already. If your system needs any repairs, now is the perfect time to spot them. In fact, the earlier you can notice problems with your air conditioner, the better. The next time you run your system, watch and listen for signs of trouble, and call in a quality repair service the moment you do.

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Always Jump on Air Conditioning Repairs Early

Monday, April 9th, 2018

residential-ac-topSpring has only just arrived, and we’re already looking at higher temperatures and regular use of your air conditioner. That’s only going to get worse as spring turns to summer, and soon enough, we’ll be running our air conditioners every day just to keep comfortable in the heat.

If there is a problem with your air conditioner, it is always better to spot it sooner rather than later. That tends to keep repair costs down, since the damage hasn’t had as much time to spread and gives you some flexibility in determining the best time to schedule repairs. (A breakdown in the summer usually means you have to reschedule your entire life and conduct repairs immediately.)

That means now is an excellent time to check your system for possible problems. No one should formally diagnose an air conditioning issue, much less attempt repairs (air conditioners contain potentially dangerous components like refrigerants, which require formal licensing to handle) unless they are professionals, but you don’t need to be an expert to spot the sign that something’s wrong.

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An Air Conditioning Problem You May Not Expect

Monday, January 15th, 2018

technician-hand-vent-ac-filterWhen an air conditioner won’t work properly, people often assume what they know to be common air conditioning problems. They may ask us, “Does it just need more refrigerant?” Or, “Is the thermostat broken?” We should let you know, before we move on, that while refrigerant leaks are common, simply refilling the refrigerant is rarely a solution. You must seal the leaks, too.

Otherwise, the thermostat is rarely the problem when the air conditioner completely struggles to run as intended, and we must look to components inside the system. We may have to do a bit of detective work to determine what went wrong, and often we find it’s the same culprit: the air filter.

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The Dangers of a Leaky Condensate Drain in Your Air Conditioner

Monday, October 9th, 2017

water-drop-threeLeaks around the home are often a big deal. If you notice a roof leak in the middle of a rainstorm, you might go running to the neighbor’s house to borrow a tarp and frantically search through the phone book for an available roofer. When a leak springs from a pipe, you put down buckets and call a plumber as soon as you can. These leaks can do a lot of damage, no question, but it’s easy to catch them early on.

The leaks that end up doing the most damage tend to be those you cannot see. The one that concerns our business is a leak from the condensate drain of an air conditioner. This is a huge concern in a humid area like ours, so it’s important to keep track of any potential signs of a leak and call in technicians ASAP.

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