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The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. Blog

3 Primary Reasons You Need AC Repair

Your air conditioner goes up against a lot of stress year after year. It’s wear and tear—slow degradation that you can’t stop or halt. As that happens, repairs pop up, and it’s not always easy to identify when your AC does need to be fixed. That’s what we want to help you with right now.

Before you call for AC repair in Clearwater FL, let’s talk about the main signals from your AC that it’ll send you before it breaks down. We’ll run through those first.

Really Strange Noises

Sometimes you hear metal screeching sounds, or loud thudding in the ductwork somewhere. You can even hear clicking. These sounds stand out to you because they weren’t happening yesterday or last week. It’s abnormal compared to your air conditioner’s usual quiet operation.

Odd noises aren’t a death sentence for your air conditioner, but they are a cause for concern. They may seem like harmless problems, but on the inside, your AC might have a component or two that are hanging on by a thread.

Your air conditioner’s normal noise blends into the background over time, so if you suddenly notice the sounds your AC makes, it’s likely because something new has happened and it’s piquing your interest.

Your Indoor Air Quality Has Tanked

The air you breathe is important, but it’s also partially controlled by your central air conditioning system. That filter on your AC is not a replacement for an air purifier, but when you change it every 30–60 days, you can’t deny that it pulls a lot of dust out of the air.

When your AC has a problem with airflow, it may capture dust and debris at a slower rate. So in 30–60 days after you install a new air filter, it may still look kind of clean and unused. Unless it’s the dead of winter or you recently had a whole home air purifier installed, this is a sign that something’s amiss.

You’re Spending More on Energy Bills

Your electricity bills aren’t going to go down anytime soon, but they shouldn’t spike really high, either. Pay attention to how much you’re being charged per kWH on your electricity bills, and if that hasn’t changed but you’re still noticing an increased bill, something in your house is drawing additional power.

While there’s a lot of variables at play here, it’s completely possible that your air conditioner is struggling and drawing extra power to compensate for it. Your average AC cycle is around 15–20 minutes, so time the next cycle (when it starts to when it shuts off in a single go). If it’s taking 25–30 minutes, it could be time to call for repair.

Repairs Can’t Wait

These three classic signals that something is wrong mean you need to act ASAP. Your AC still works right now, which means that it hasn’t hit the point of full breakdown. When that happens, it becomes expensive to repair those extensive damages. Let’s take care of your air conditioner now so you don’t have to worry about it later.

Contact The A/C Guy of Tampa Bay Inc. today to schedule your air conditioner repair as soon as possible and stop compromising on your comfort.

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